Nitrogen (N2) Generator Systems for Marine and Offshore Vessels

Nitrogen Systems are one of the most critical equipment for many vessels types such as Chemical, LPG/LNG and also various forms of offshore vessels like FLNG and PSVs.

Generally there are two main types of N2 generator systems in the market:

  1. Membrane Systems
  2. PSA systems

Without going into too much details here, both types of system have their strength and weakness, and are more suitable for different vessel types and operations.

Read More On PSA vs Membrane Systems>

For example, while its cheaper to change the CMS (carbon molecular sieve) of a PSA systems compared to the membrane banks of a Membranes Generator, there are less (in fact almost negligible) moving parts on the membranes skid. This will make a N2 system that is using membranes much lesser to breakdowns and also lower in spares.

Oxygen permeation while nitrogen is retained


Air Separation in a Membrane Fibres

However, there are much more important factors to consider when choosing the right system. Apple-to-apple, a PSA system requires lesser compressed air (air factor) and also at a lower pressure. This greatly cuts down the power consumption and space you need on your compressors, which for some vessels, can be crucial. A membrane system on the other hand, can be designed to give you your required m3/h, while a PSA will need increase the system’s output purity and a therefore a sizeable buffer tank after the PSA module.

Air Products AS (APAS) and Giantech

Air Products is a multi-national company based in the USA and have huge presence in the industrial, marine and offshore sector around the world, in almost every country.

Most importantly, in terms of delivery for marine, offshore and LNG vessels, Air Products is by far the market leader in terms of systems delivered and total capacity*.

Giantech has been the both the service and sales agent for Air Products in Singapore since 2005. We have worked with many ship managers, ship owners for all stages of the life-cycle demands fro the N2 generation onboard vessels and are technically competent to provide services, technical consultation and commercial proposals to meet our customers’ needs.

*2008 – 2013: Air Products achieved a 93% global market share for all contracted LNG carriers.

Read More On Air Products AS >

Three Reasons why you SHOULD choose Membrane Systems

  1. Lesser means Lesser: Membranes systems have less moving parts than PSA Systems by default. Thus, meaning lesser breakdown issues to worry about
  2. More commonly used: Membrane Systems are a proven piece of marine technology that are used for 70% more vessels than PSA Systems by ship owners.
  3. Smaller footprint onboard vessel: Membrane Systems are generally smaller than PSA systems which require a sizable buffer tank. 

Convinced why you should get a membrane system nitrogen generator? APAS has supplied quality membrane nitrogen generators for over 25 years with unparalleled total lifespan. They hold more than ninety percent of the global market share in contracted LNG carriers and guarantee a lifetime after-sales’ services worldwide.

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