Air Products and TMC Health Check includes:
Inspection of
1. Filter element
2. Electric heater
Checks (N2 system)
1. Visual inspection of complete system (piping, valves, membranes, electrical)
2. Panel indication lights
3. Operation of electric heater
4. Sample flow to analyzers
5. Nitrogen purity
6. Pressure drop across the filter package
7. Drain system from filter package
8. Oxygen content high alarm
9. System leakage
10. All alarm functions (adjust settings if necessary)
11. Operation check, recommended running condition
12. Training of crew, operation and maintenance
13. Available spare parts onboard
Checks (TMC Compressors)
1. Compressor running hours
2. Compressor running temperature and cooling water in/out temperature
3. Internal piping leakage (no dismantling required)
4. Air filter element
5. Available spare parts onboard
6. Maintenance schedule onboard
7. Recommendation of spare parts to be onboard at all times according to TMC guidelines
Health Check Report and recommended solutions
Do contact us for quotation.